Campaign name: email campaign name you want to search for
Start time: campaign start time is set when creating campaign
End time: the campaign end time is set when creating the campaign
Status: filter by one of three states (New, Active, Completed)
Campaign ID: campaign identifier
Campaign name: the name of the campaign
Description: campaign description
Status: campaign status
Start time: campaign start time
End time: campaign end time
Creation time: the time the campaign was created
Action: action of the campaign
Approve: admin approved the campaign before launching
Edit: admin can edit some information of unfinished campaign. The edited information includes: Campaign name, Description, End time. After correcting the information, the admin needs to click the "Update" button to save the changed information
Delete: admin can only Delete email campaign without approval
Step 1: Access the “Email campaign” menu as shown below:
Step 2: Click the “Add campaign” button on the Campaign list screen
Step 3: In the add campaign screen, admin fills in the following information
Campaign name: email campaign name set by admin
Description: a short description of the campaign being created. This information is not required
Start time: campaign start time
End time: campaign end time
Email: email used to send out to customers. Campaigns can use email out via Sendgrid or SMTP
Email template: choose a pre-made email template in Email Template List
Survey template: select a ready-made survey template in the Template List
Step 4: Click the “Next” button, move to the Add Customer screen. Click here to enter customer information
Add from: choose to add customers from one of three sources (Contact, Filters and Import data from excel)
Email sending time: choose when to start sending emails to customers in the “Add from” section. This information is not required. If the admin doesn't fill it out, the campaign will start sending emails as soon as it's approved
Step 5: Click Add campaign
Step 6: At the Campaign list screen, the admin selects the Approve action to start executing the campaign