13. Common errors when making calls
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In case of this error, the User should handle it according to the instructions in the section "Permissions for headphone/microphone devices".
If users process according to the instructions but the same situation still occurs => Users should check the current computer device, the current speaker, and the mic devices to connect to the computer.
When this situation occurs, there will be 2 cases as follows:
The hotline number is not allowed for a call-out.
The user has not been added to the call-out group.
Access the "Detailed configuration of a hotline number" section (only users with admin rights can operate) => edit the "Allow call-out" section (on/off).
Access the "Detailed configuration of a hotline number" section (only users with admin rights can operate) => edit the "Allow call-out" section (on/off).
If you are configuring to not allow all groups to call out, but only allow certain groups to call out => check whether the User has been added to the group that is allowed to call out or not.
This situation will occur in 2 cases:
The hotline number has been deleted on Portal.
Solution: Inform Stringee's support team (can be set up on Zalo, Telegram, Skye,...)
The user is turning on Google Translate in the browser.
In the case of this error, the User needs to turn off Google Translate of the current browser.
This is the case when the Customer's subscription number has been added to the Blacklist on the system. The user checks again and removes the number from the list if necessary.
When this situation occurs, the following cases will occur:
Users use the same account.
The user reloads the website at the time of the call.
Other cases.
(Admin - manager) Check if Users use the same account on the Stringee system => separate accounts for Users.
While the call is being made or in progress, if the User reloads the website => the call will be hung => The User needs to wait for the suspended call to end, usually 1 minute.
If they do not fall into the above two cases, the User needs to get the call ID information (call code) of the error call and provide it to Stringee's support team (can be set up on Zalo, Telegram, Skye,... ).
If the system reports an error as above, the User needs to get the call ID information of the error call and provide it to Stringee's support team (can be set up on Zalo, Telegram, Skye,.. .).
When making a call, the call is interrupted immediately. There is no system notification, only the return status is "Ended".
Most of these cases are due to an error in the hotline number of the contact center (an error on the network provider's part in providing and managing the hotline number).
The user needs to get the call ID information (call code) of the error call and provide it to Stringee's support team (can be set up on Zalo, Telegram, Skype,...).
=> Stringee's support team will check the call by call ID and retrieve the call message (format: PCAP) for the User => User proactively reports the information (newsletter) the Stringee support team has sent to the network carrier providing hotline numbers to handle errors.
The user chooses the wrong mode when making calls to the Customer subscriber. The user selects the calling mode again as "call out" and makes the call again.