Chat statistics
Purpose of chat statistics
Chat statistics will summarize information (Total number of chats, total number of messages, Total number of guests, total number of missed chats, rate of evaluation) as well as chat performance on the chart. It helps users to report easily, monitor and evaluate the chat channel performance of businesses, companies, etc.
Chat statistics will include all messages from: Livechat, Zalo (OA), Facebook (Meta)
Chat statistic filter
The chat statistic filter will include: filter by time period and filter by queue.
(1) Time: users can filter by time of day, week, month to facilitate monitoring and evaluation (each filter is up to 31 days)
(2) Queue: is a queue configured to receive chats from chat channels.
Chat statistic chart
The chart shows the number of chats at each different time, possibly during the day, week, and month. Usually we divide into 2 main time points: within the day and greater than 1 day.
Chat statistic chart by day
When filtering by date the chart will have 2 vertical and horizontal column information as shown below.
Vertical column: total number of chats at a time.
Horizontal row: times of day with time hops of 30 minutes.
For example: The time on July 07, 2023 at 13:30 am has a total of 4 chats.
Chat statistic chart over a period greater than 1 day
When filtering by date the chart will have 2 vertical and horizontal column information as shown below.
Vertical column: total number of chats at a time.
Horizontal row: time hop timelines are 1 day.
For example: July 07, 2023 has a total of 60 chats.
Các trường thông tin báo cáo thống kê chat Information fields of chat statistic report
Các trường thông tin sẽ trả về dữ liệu từ thời điểm bắt đầu sử dụng kênh chat đến thời điểm hiện tại.
(3) Total chats: the sum of all chats from the time the chat channel is active to the present time.
(4) Total number of messages: the sum of all messages from the time the chat channel is active to the present time.
For example: In image 6, we have 2 chat messages. Each chat message corresponds to 1 chat sentence.
(5) Total Number of Customers: the total number of customers who messaged the system from the time the chat channel was active to the present time.
(6) Total missed chats: the total number of chats not received by the Agent from the time the chat channel is active to the present time.
(7) Good rating percentage: is the percentage of customers who rate the service quality of chat care staff from the time the chat channel operates to the present time. (Note: Chat quality assessment only applies to LiveChat channel)
In particular, there will be a comparison of the percentage increase or decrease between the current month and the same period of the previous month.