1.3. Chats

The chat statistic interface provides users with an overview of the exchange's chat reception performance through statistical values.

Chat interface

(1) Business chat performance overview

  • Total chats: the total number of conversations occurred during the respective time period.

  • Total served chats: total conversation received by the agent, including the chats the agent is replying to (Replying status) and the chats the agent responded to (Responded status).

  • Total missed chats: the total conversations are not received and become missed conversations.

  • Chat abandonment rate: the percentage between total missed chats and total chats.

  • Average speed of answer (second): average wait time of received chats. The wait time for an received chat is the moment from the conversation is queued to the agent takes over.

  • Average handling time (second): average chat time of agents with customers, based on received chats only. The response time of each conversation is calculated from the moment the customer and the agent start talking until the conversation ends.

  • Good rating percentage: the percentage of total well-rated chats to total received chats.

  • Bad rating percentage: the percentage of total bad-reviewed chats to total received chats.

  • Duration: filter information by search time.

  • Last updated: time to return statistical results.

(2) Chat performance statistics by agent

  • Agent name: a name of an agent

  • Total chats: the number of chats distributed to the operator. This parameter is different from the number of chats the customer chats into the system. For example, a customer starts a conversation, this conversation is distributed to 3 agents called A -> B -> C. Then the system records for one chat for agents A, B, C respectively.

  • Total served chats: the number of times the agent received the conversation, only reported on the ended chats (status: Answered)

  • Average speed of answer (second): the average response rate of the agent in the total conversation the agent answered (unit: second). The agent's response rate in each conversation from the moment the conversation begins to be distributed the agent until the agent receives it.

  • Average chat duration (second): the average chat time of agents with customers, based on received chats only. The response time to each conversation is the time the customer and the agent start talking to each other until the conversation ends.