Ticket report
The ticket report visually reflects the number of tickets assigned to each generated channel and the ticket status, giving the manager a comprehensive view of the contact center system.
The ticket report visually reflects the number of tickets assigned to each generated channel and the ticket status, giving the manager a comprehensive view of the contact center system.
Time: the time the ticket was created on the system
Account manager: agent assigned on ticket
Group: agent group assigned on the ticket
Channel: ticket generation channel
Status: the ticket status at the time of viewing the report
Export data: export search data by filter to computer. The file is in the excel format
Statistics of the number of records by channel (users can click on the captions to hide the corresponding charts)
New creation: the ticket is created manually by the agent
Calls: tickets are automatically generated by the system from inbound/outbound calls
Livechat: tickets created from Livechat channel
Facebook: tickets from Facebook channel (including comment channel and chat channel)
Zalo: tickets created from Zalo channel
Email: tickets generated from email channel
Statistics of the number of tickets recorded by status
New: the ticket has a status of new
Processing: the ticket with status as processing
Pending: the ticket with status as pending
Closed: the ticket has a status of closed
Total number of new status tickets: number of new status tickets filtered by time
Total number of completed tickets: number of tickets with closed status filtered by time
Percentage of tickets processed / total number of tickets received: percentage between the number of tickets with closed status and the total number of tickets filtered by time
Number of first-response tickets reaching SLA: number of tickets within the first-response SLA (time of first-response SLA set by the company)
Percentage of first-time responses reaching SLA/total number of received tickets: percentage between the number of first-response SLAs and the total number of generated tickets
Number of processed tickets reaching SLA: the number of processed tickets within the SLA processing time (the time the SLA processes the tickets is preset by the company)
Percentage of processed tickets reaching SLA/total number of received tickets: percentage between the number of tickets that pass the SLA that is processed and the total number of generated tickets