Agent status report
The agent status report provides information about the duration in each status, helping management to cover working time compliance and call readiness.
Interface of agent status report
(1) Information filter
Group: the user selects one or more groups to view the report
Select agent: user can select an agent to view the report
Time: the user chooses the time period to view the report
Export data: export filter data on the interface
(2) Table result of agent status report
Agent name: corresponding agent name
Online: the total time the agent is online
Ready: the total time the agent is in the ready status
Lunch break: the total time the agent is in the lunch break status
Short break: the total time the agent is in a short rest status
Unavailable: the total time the agent was in the unavailable status
First time online: first online status change during the reporting period
First time ready: first ready transition in the reporting period
Last logout: last logout during the reporting period