Campaign list interface
(1) Search a campaign
Campaign name: filter search by campaign name
Start time: filter for campaigns by how long the campaign started running
End time: filter campaigns by campaign end time
Create: campaign is in initialization (not approved)
Approved: the campaign has been approved but not yet launched (until the specified time to start the campaign)
Running: the campaign is running
Paused: the campaign is on pause
End: the campaign has ended (manipulated by the admin to end / run out of data / until the specified time to end the campaign)
Create a campaign: initiate a new campaign. See details in Campaign Settings
(2) Campaign list
Campaign ID: campaign identifier on the system
Campaign name: the campaign name is set when creating the campaign
Call type: the campaign dial type. Stringee supports Manual, Preview, Progressive, Predictive dial styles. For details see here
Status: campaign status
New: campaign is in initialization (not approved)
Approved: the campaign has been approved but not yet launched (until the specified time to start the campaign)
Active: campaign is running
Paused: the campaign is on pause
Completed: the campaign has ended (manipulated by the admin to end / run out of data / until the specified time to end the campaign)
Description: campaign description
Start time: campaign start time
End time: the end time of the campaign
Creation time: campaign creation time
Action: see more at the action section of the campaign below
Operation with a campaign
Change a status in a campaign
Approve: Unapproved campaigns after being approved will change to Approved status
Start a campaign: admin can trigger the start of a campaign that is in Approved or Paused status. After this operation, the campaign is changed to Active status
Paused: admin can pause a running campaign by clicking Pause. After this action, the campaign is moved to Paused status
Completed: admin can actively end an Active or Paused campaign before the campaign end. After this operation, the campaign is moved to End status
Edit campaign configuration
Admins can edit some configurations of an undone campaign by clicking the Edit action. The configurations allowed to edit include: campaign name, campaign description, start time, end time, hotline number, working hours, maximum number of calls, break time between two calls (minutes) , no-callback time (date), call type,....
Add customers to a campaign
Companies can manipulate adding or removing customers to the campaign through the Customer List interface. For more details see the customer list
Delete a campaign
Admin can delete a campaign by clicking Delete. Note, after deleting a campaign, campaign data such as agent, customer, report is no longer on the portal.