Sendgrid account list

Interface of Sengrid account list

  • Display name: system display name

  • Sendgrid email address: Sendgrid email address

  • Account status:

    • Active: email is in active state

    • Inactive: email in inactive state

  • Action:

    • Edit: edit existing Sendgrid account

    • Delete: delete Sendgrid account

Add a new Sengrid email account

Email campaigns are sent from Sendgrid email or SMTP. With Sendgrid email, admin needs to add a Sendgrid account according to the following instructions:

  • Step 1: Access the SendGrid Account Management screen, click the "Add New Account" button

  • Step 2: Enter all information in the Add SendGrid account screen and click “Create New”. The information to enter includes as shown:

    • SendGrid email address: The email address registered with the Sendgrid account

    • Display name: The name displayed on the SendGrid Account Management screen for easy lookup when needed

    • API key: Admin enter the generated API key here. Create API key according to instructions at link

    • Public key: Access your SendGrid account, select Signed Event Webhook Requests > Verification Key. Copy the “Verification Key” and paste it in the Public key field.

    • Domain authentication: Leave as default

    • Status: If enabled, the email status will be displayed: successfully sent, opened mail, .. (Only applicable to SendGrid). If off, show only successful or failed submission