Report on call center performance by time

StringeeX's inbound call center performance report provides detailed metrics on calls to the call center over a given period of time, improving and optimizing the call center's performance.


(1) Information filter

  • Queue: Queue name needs inbound call performance statistics.

  • Time: Time to return results. Note: the results will be reported every 30 minutes as shown in the image above.

  • Search: the results returned after clicking on the search.

  • Export report: export the performance statistics report in excel file format to the computer.

(2) Performance statistics results

  • Interval: interval time (every 30 mins) for statistics.

  • Total calls: the total number of inbound calls in the corresponding 30-minute period.

  • Number of answered calls: the number of inbound calls to the customer that met the agent.

  • Average response rate (ASA): equals the total waiting time of incoming calls divided by the number of incoming calls. The waiting time of a meeting call is counted from the time the call is queued until the agent answers, excluding the time the call is in the IVR (in seconds).

  • Number of missed calls: the number of calls in the queue and missed (the customer did not meet the agent, including the call that the customer hangs up first and the call that expires in the queue).

  • Total number of unserved customers: the number of customers who have not met the agent (do not duplicate by phone number).

  • Calls to voicemail: the number of calls that were not met by the agent and the customers are transferred to voicemail (customers who ran out of time in the queue but did not receive calls are transferred to voicemail).

  • Average waiting time: equals to the total waiting time (the state from the time the customer is placed in the queue to the time the customer is received or terminated by the agent) divided by the number of queued calls received by agents.

  • Average talk time (ATT): equals the total talk time of the inbound calls, including hold/pause time (if any) divided by the total number of calls.

  • After-call work time (ACW): total processing time after the call (in seconds).

  • Average handling time (AHW): the average processing time of the calls encountered. Processing time for each call is equal to the total talk time, hold time (if any) and processing time after the call (in seconds).

  • SLA (%): percentage of calls reaching service level agreement. The commitment of service level agreement (SLA) is the percentage of inbound calls that are picked up within a specified time period. A high SLA completion rate corresponds to a good contact center performance. If the SLA is 80/20, the quality of service guarantee is that 80% of incoming calls are picked up by the agent within 20 seconds. For example, during the period from 8:00 to 8:30 on March 1, 2020, the contact center had 10 calls to the queue, of which 7 were picked up within 20 seconds or less, 3 were picked up after the time. at 20 seconds (from the 21st second), the SLA is now 7/10 or 70%. SLA admin parameters can be customized in queue settings.