Call reports

The call statistics aggregates data about all inbound and outbound calls in a given period, including metrics such as number of calls, call time, performance metrics, etc.

Call report interface

(1) Information filter & export data

  • Duration: the period of the reported data to be searched.

  • Hotline: select the hotline number for the call (call to this hotline or call out from this hotline).

  • Agent: select the agent to search for information.

  • Queue: select the queue (one or more) to see the report. Note, the queue is used to receive incoming calls, so you can only see the statistics of incoming calls if you filter by queue.

  • Campaign: select the campaign to call out for results statistics (if any).

  • Search: the results returned after pressing search.

  • Export data: export the filtered results to an excel file.

(2) Visualized graphs

  • Horizontal axis: time of total call statistics (including inbound calls, outbound calls, internal calls)

  • Vertical axis: total call statistics (including inbound, outbound, internal calls)

Users click on points on the graph to see the total number of calls at each time.

(3) Criteria and statistics

  • Total calls: total number of calls including inbound, outbound and internal calls

  • Total inbound calls: total number of incoming calls

  • Total outbound calls: total number of outbound calls

  • Total calls to the queue: the total number of calls (if went through the IVR) that entered the queue (maybe the client met the agent - call status is a call meeting, or an agent can't be met) missed call voicemail)

  • Total missed calls: Total number of missed calls (not met) and number of missed calls (Incoming calls have been queued and have not been received/answered).

  • Total successful outbound calls: number of successful outgoing calls (outbound calls)

  • Total time of inbound calls: the total time of all incoming calls, from the time the call is connected to the contact center to the call end, including IVR waiting time (if any) and phone waiting time (if any)

  • Total outbound call time: the total time of all outgoing calls, from the time of ringing to the end of the call, including hold time (if any)

  • Total IVR time: total time the customer listens to the IVR greeting (including meeting, missed and stopped calls at IVR)

  • Average IVR time: total IVR time divided by the number of calls in IVR (including meeting, missed and stopped calls at IVR)

  • Average response rate (ASA): equals to the total waiting time of the meeting calls divided by the number of meeting calls (statistics only for incoming calls). Call waiting time is counted from the time the call is queued until the agent answers, excluding the time the call is in the IVR.

  • Total unsuccessful outbound calls: number of unsuccessful calls (including failure to contact the customer, the customer not answering the phone, network error if any, software error if any)

  • Trung bình thời gian đợi: bằng tổng thời gian đợi các cuộc gọi vào hàng đợi chia số cuộc gọi vào hàng đợi, bao gồm cả cuộc gọi gặp và cuộc gọi nhỡ, chỉ thống kê chiều gọi vào. Thời gian đợi của mỗi cuộc gọi là thời gian chờ trên báo cáo lịch sử cuộc gọi, tính từ thời điểm cuộc gọi vào hàng đợi đến khi agent nghe máy hoặc cuộc gọi kết thúc mà agent chưa nghe máy, không bao gồm thời gian khách hàng nghe lời chào IVR

  • Average waiting time: equals the total waiting time for calls to be queued divided by the number of calls to the queue, including both met and missed calls, only counting the incoming calls. The waiting time of each call is the waiting time on the call history report, from the time the call is queued until the agent answers the phone or the call ends without the agent picking up the phone, excluding the customer's time. Welcome to IVR

  • Total answering time: the total talk time from the time the receiver answers the phone to the call end, including inbound and outbound calls. The answering time of each call is the talk time on the call history report, from the time the customer and the agent start talking to each other until the call ends, including the time on hold ( if any)

  • Average call time: equals to total call time (including inbound and outbound calls) divided by total number of calls met (including inbound and outbound calls)

  • Average Answer Time (ATT): equals total talk time divided by total answered calls, including inbound and outbound calls, excluding pause/hold

  • Average hold time: equals to the total time on hold (pause/hold) divided by the number of calls using the hold function