2. Ticket

At the ticket interface, the user can see all the tickets that meet the conditions set in display permission.

View ticket details

Users view the ticket details by clicking on the ticket to view on the interface. Then the ticket details will be displayed.

Users should pay attention to the following terms:

  • Serial: the ticket code

  • Inbound/Outbound Call: information about outbound/inbound calls. The illustration is a call ticket to the system

  • Contact: contact name (saved on the system) or customer phone number (if customer did not save the contact)

  • Assign to: personnel assigned to record

  • CCs: personnel be ccs to acknowledge this ticket

  • Status: The ticket status includes New - Processing - Pending - Closed showing the status of the ticket processing

  • Type: ticket type, including Question - Problem - Random - Mission

  • Priority: customer priority

  • Customer email: email of the corresponding con.tact. This field will be empty if the customer does not have this information

  • Custom fields: auto-generated field of the contact and the corresponding ticket created on the system


At the filter, users can filter the tickets according to the information fields available on the system.

Quick Filters includes all the advanced filters created by users on the system when using StringeeX on the website. Here the user can see all the tickets met the filter's conditions.

Users can filter by the information in the provided Quick Filter, or use the Filter to filter the tickets with the necessary information.

Note: Users can combine both Quick Filter and Filter to find the desired results faster and easier by simultaneously selecting both filters and filling the required fields.

Create a new ticket

To use the record filter, users press the "+" icon in the left corner of the screen

The user creates a new ticket by filling in the ticket fields. The fields marked with a red “*” have to be filled in, otherwise the ticket will not be created. After entering all the fields, the user clicks "Add" to complete a new ticket on the mobile app.