Survey answers

Interface of survey report

(1) Information filter

  • Campaign name: filter by campaign name.

  • Start time: filter by campaign start time

  • Export report: export the survey report data of the found filter campaign. Data are sent to email in excel format

  • Export all: export the survey report data of the filter campaign

(2) Search result

  • Customer name: customer name in the campaign

  • Campaign ID: campaign identifier on the system

  • Campaign name: campaign name

  • Call type: the type of call. The default value here is for outbound calls

  • Phone number: the customer phone number

  • Status: customer status in the campaign

    • Undone: the customer has not been called by the system

    • Progressing: the customer is on call from the campaign

    • Called but failed: made a call to the customer but failed, still not over the maximum callout limit

    • Call back: successfully called the customer and was asked to make an appointment to call back (with the operation Appointment callback when running the campaign)

    • Successful: the customer has been called successfully

    • Called all retry times but failed: called all retry times but failed

    • Do not call back: call to customers successfully and customers do not schedule a callback (with action Do not call back when running a campaign)

    • Make an error call: call made error, maybe error from hotline, internet agent error leading to call timeout, wrong customer number

    • Stop call: customer has been marked on pause for calling out Customers blocked from calling out: customers on the “blacklist” list call out. This setting is in the Service Settings section

    • Customers subscribe for DNC service: customers registering for DNC (Do Not Call) service of the network operator