9.4.2 Trigger list management

Interface of trigger list management

(1) Information management

  • Search: search by trigger name

  • Add new Trigger: admin creates a new trigger. Newly created Trigger defaults to Enabled status

(2) Trigger list

  • Name: trigger name (set by admin when creating trigger)

  • Creation date: trigger creation date

  • Last update: the date of the last update the trigger was updated

  • Usage (last 7 days): is the number of times the trigger was activated in the last 7 days of the statistical time

  • Action (click on the 3 dots of the corresponding trigger):

    • Edit: change the information fields and elements of the trigger

    • Clone: create a new trigger in the same draft form as the current trigger, then you can edit and save the trigger information

    • Deactivate: disable the trigger. Triggers that are disabled will be displayed in the “Inactivate” tab.

    • Activate: reactivate the previously Disabled trigger. Note, the option to enable will appear after it has been disabled. The delete action will appear in the “Inactivate” section

    • Delete: delete the trigger. Note: the trigger can only be deleted after it has been disabled. The delete action will appear in the “Inactivate” section