9.10.3 Payment history

Payment history

Here users can query and look up all paid transactions on the Stringee system.

Payment history filter

  • Type: deposit (top up Portal) and deduct money (deduct from the balance available on Portal).

  • Deposit methods: there are Paypal, Visa/Card, Online banking, Stringee deposit, Transfer, Trial Bonus.

  • Reason for deduction: the reason for the deduction of money on the system.

  • Amount: user enters amount to filter transactions with payment amount greater than or equal to entered amount.

  • Creation time: user selects a time period to filter transactions in that period.

Table of transaction history

  • Transaction ID: each transaction will have its own code.

  • Amount: the amount paid for each transaction.

  • Type: deduct or top-up.

  • Deposit method: there are Paypal, Visa/Card, Online banking, Stringee deposit, Transfer, Trial Bonus.

  • Reason for deduction: the reason for the deduction of money on the system.

  • Creation time: the time when the payment of the transaction is completed.