6.2.1 Call monitoring

When authorized as Admin or Supervisor, users will add a call monitoring feature, which can monitor real-time all calls taking place on the system and interact with calls.

Call monitoring report

(1) Information details

  • Queue: filter monitoring by queue name

(2) Information of real-time call monitoring

  • Call ID: identifier of the call on the system

  • Customer number: phone number of the customer in the call

  • Hotline: hotline number in the call

  • Queue: name of the queue the call is distributed to

  • Call status:

    • Calling: the inbound call was not met the agent (maybe the call is in IVR, or has been queued but not yet reached agent, or is distributing agent but agent has not picked up the phone)

    • Ringing: call ringing status

    • Answered: the call is picked up and conversation is keep going

  • Time status:

    • For inbound calls: is the time the customer waits in the queue if the call has entered the queue and has not yet met the agent; is the time when the two sides talk if the agent is already answering the phone

    • For outbound calls: is the time when the two parties talk to each other if the customer has answered the phone

  • Final receiving agent:

    • For inbound calls: the agent is talking or the call is coming in, but the agent has not picked up the phone

    • For outbound calls: is the agent making the call

  • Answer time: the time the agent receives the call

  • Start time: the time the call begins to be connected to the contact center

  • Call type:

    • Call in: direction of calls from customers to the contact center

    • Call out: call direction from hotline - agent to customer

  • Campaign: the call's campaign name (this is only available for calls within the campaign)

(3) Action

  • "Take over" the call reception permission of an agent: This feature supports the supervisor in urgent cases that need to "take over" the right to answer. At this time, the agent will be disconnected, while the supervisor agent will have an incoming call to talk with the customer.

  • "Eavesdropping" on calls of an agent: provides supervisors with a tool to randomly evaluate call quality. When using this feature, the supervisor will have an inbound call. When listening to the call between the agent and the customer, people on the call will not know the presence of the supervisor (the supervisor can hear only and can not to speak on the call)

  • Transfer a call from a listening agent to another agent: During monitoring, if the manager realizes that a customer is on a call that needs to be served by another agent, the agent is on another call, the manager can actively transfer the call without the permission of the talking agent. At this point, the current agent is disconnected from the call and the call goes to the transferred agent.

  • Participate in an agent's call: With this action, the manager can actively participate in an ongoing call of any agent. The call will then become a tripartite call between Supervisor, agent and customer. In this case the supervisor participating in the conversation can simultaneously listen and talk during the call.

  • Disconnect call of an agent: The operation of disconnecting the call. If necessary, the manager can interrupt a call that an agent is making. After that, both the agent and the customer are disconnected from the call