Email campaign report

Management will be provided with information about the number of sent emails, emails opened, recipients who clicked on the links in the email to access the survey or website

Interface of email campaign report

(1) Information filter

  • Campaign: filter by campaign name

  • Export data: download results in excel format

(2) Data statistics

  • All emails total number of emails (customers) in the campaign

  • Email sent: total number of emails sent by the system during the campaign

  • Email not sent: total number of unsent emails on the system

  • Email sent successfully: total number of emails successfully sent by the system

  • Email sent failed: total number of emails that have failed to be sent by the system

  • Customer has opened mail: the total number of emails that have been read by the customer (clicking on the email)

  • Customer clicked link on email: the total number of emails that clicked on the attached link of the customer

  • Customer unsubscribes email: the total number of emails with unsubscribe actions

  • Customer reports email is spam: the total number of emails reported as spam by the client-side email receiving system

(3) Chart

  • Sent: total number of emails sent by the system during the campaign

  • Successfully sent: total number of emails successfully sent by the system

  • Read mail: the total number of emails that have been read by the customer (clicked on the email)

  • Clicked on the link: the total number of emails that clicked on the attached link of the customer