Customer report

With the support of customer reports, companies can better monitor and manage customer service activities, thus enhancing customer satisfaction.

Customer report interface

(1) Information filter

  • Campaign name: filter by campaign name to be reported

  • Agent: the name of the agent that needs reporting

  • Export data: export data file in excel format to computer according to filter information

(2) Statistic report

  • Campaign: filtered campaign name

  • Total customers: total number of customers in the campaign

  • New customer: the customer has not been called once in the campaign, corresponding to the customer status in the campaign is not implemented

  • Processing: the customer is in the process of preparing and making a call by the system

  • Called but failed: Called the customer at least once but the agent and customer did not connect with each other and the maximum number of calls out has not been reached

  • Called all retry attempts but failed: the maximum number of calls to the customer has reached the limit but all calls failed

  • Success: successfully called the customer (the customer answered the phone)

  • Callback appointment: the call meets the customer and is scheduled to call back (agent action when calling out from the campaign)

  • No callback: the call meets the customer and the customer reports (the agent chooses the callback option, when making a meeting call, there will be an option if the customer has an appointment to call back for the agent to choose)

  • Make an error call: the call to the customer failed (usually due to the wrong customer phone number)