Agent status change history

Agent status history report records status change history and corresponding time, helping management check working time and ready to receive calls

Interface of agent status change history

(1) Information filter

  • Status: filter by agent status

  • Time: filter by time

  • Select agent: filter by agent name

  • Group: filter by agent group, user can select an individual or several groups of agents

(2) Result table of agent status change history

  • Agent name: the name of the corresponding agent.

  • Status: agent's status name

    • Available: the call status of the agent's manual configuration is changed to Available 

    • Lunch break: the call status of the agent's manual configuration is changed to Lunch break

    • Short break: the call status of the agent's manual configuration is changed to Short break.

    • Not available: the call status of agent's manual configuration is changed to Not available

    • Online: the agent logs in to StringeeX on web or mobile app

    • Logout: the agent manipulates to log out from the system or loses internet connection

    • Note of the status field: When the agent is only logged into the mobile app, the agent status is changed to online immediately after successful login. During use on the phone, in many cases when the agent does not operate on the StringeeX mobile app for a while, the app will automatically switch to run in the background; or the agent turns off the app (kill app) to optimize phone performance. Then the agent status automatically goes offline and logs the Logout status line in the agent status change history report. However, the agent can still receive calls due to the push notification feature of the mobile app

  • Status duration: how long each status lasts. The system only records the duration of an old status if the agent has transitioned to the new status. The duration of the old status is equal to the time to start the new status minus the time to start the old status. Only the duration of the online status is equal to the time to record the latest Logout status, then subtract the time to start the online status

  • Start time: start time of each status